Friday, 17 March 2017

Glossary of Futures terminology

I am absolutely sure this list is only partially complete.

Casuels (n)- uncertainties, mobile elements independent of will, contingents

Certare (v) - to struggle, to try and obtain a decision

Conjecture - conscious opining or visioning of futura

Design (n) - image of the mind, vision

Facta - raw material out of which the mind makes estimates of 'futura'

Forecast (v) - opining about futura

Forecast (n), primary - an opinion about what is expected to happen, the future course of events by direct extrapolation of past data or of underlying factors, a 'line of the future' if nothing is done by any agent, conditional on the absence of corrective action - the purpose of the primary forecast is to provoke action
secondary - an opinion about what is expected to happen conditional on one of many corrective actions, intervention by an agent - a number of seconday forecast curves create a 'fan of futuribles' around a primary 'line of the future' - the purpose of secondary forecasts is to show what could be brought about if the corresponding action is taken

Foreknown (n) - subjective certainty, features of the future we treat as 'known', 

Foresight (v) - imagining, visioning of 'futura'

Futura - that which is not 'facta'

Futurible (n) - a futurum that appears to the mind as a possible descendent of the current state of affairs - descendents from the present that now seem to us possible - has a date of origin and date of expiration

Intention (n) - object of projection , as in 'to intend', to stretch, to strive toward a goal

Project (n) - projection of an image or vision, a goal

Structural certainty (n) - datum, such as the natural order,

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